To excel at ASVAB tests, you should take advantage of the practice questions available online, especially on the ASVAB website to get enough preparation for the test. You need not dread the tests as they are necessary to help you put your best foot forward in proving your suitability for the job.

What to Expect Before Sitting for The ASVAB Tests?

If you have decided to serve your country by joining the military, then you must consider the eligibility requirements before you proceed with the application.

  1. To join the Army, You must be physically, mentally, and emotionally stable. You can inquire about waivers on the website if you have specific issues that might make you ineligible.

  2. You must be a U.S citizen or have a valid Permanent Resident Card.

  3. You must have a High School degree or its equivalent.

  4. You must not be a drug trafficker or a convict of more than 5 crimes.

  5. You must not be under civil restraint, probation, or confinement.

The 5-Step Application Process For Enlisted Soldiers

  1. Talk to a recruiter

The first step required to get a job in the military is to speak with a recruiter. They will guide you during your application and help you decide on the best career option suited to you. The recruiter will screen you based on the eligibility criteria of the Army to ensure you measure up to expectations. Be sure to answer all questions honestly and don’t forget to discuss your eligibility concerns with your recruiter.

  1. Take the ASVAB test

Once the recruiter finds you suitable for the job, your ASVAB test will be scheduled. There are 65 MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Stations) across the U.S and Puerto Rico, so your test will be at the station nearest to you. You must go to the exam station with valid identification and be punctual as lateness will result in rescheduling. The ASVAB exam will be done on a computer and you cannot use a calculator. You are advised not to share the details of your testing with others.

  1. Go through a physical examination

After your ASVAB test, your recruiter will help you schedule an appointment for a physical examination. This will be done to evaluate your mental and physical fitness for the job. Your visit can take 1-2 days and you don’t need to worry about supplies as lodging and meals will be provided for you.

  1. Choose an Army job

Here, you are required to choose from the over 200 job opportunities available in the Army but bear in mind that your ASVAB test score will be a deciding factor. You can get help from your career counselor to decide the best career path for yourself.

  1. Sign a contract and prepare for basic training

This is where you get sworn in by taking an oath to defend the constitution throughout your career- The Oath of Enlistment. Then you will prepare to attend the Basic Training to gain the physical and mental strength required to thrive in the Army. During the training, you will be introduced to the values and traditions of the Army- personal courage, selfless service, respect, integrity, honor, loyalty, and duty. You will also learn teamwork,  discipline, and the code of conduct of the Army.

This training will last about ten weeks, and after you graduate, you will undergo two more phases of advanced training before you begin service.


If you have decided to serve your country by joining the military, you must be prepared to take the ASVAB test. The test can also be an effective way to decide your career path, as they are designed to test your cognitive and mental capabilities.

  1. Is the ASVAB test difficult to pass?

The ASVAB test can be a bit challenging for some people, but with adequate practice and determination, you can excel at it without hassle. There are a lot of questions to help you practice on the ASVAB website.

  1. What happens if I fail the ASVAB?

The ASVAB tests are designed to test your abilities and determine the type of job suitable for you, so your scores are a reflection of your abilities. The minimum required score varies with service categories, so you can still get a match if you have a low score.

  1. Am I committed to joining the military if I take the ASVAB?

You might be contacted by a recruiter if you take the test, but you are not under compulsion to join the military. Since the test is designed to test your intellectual and cognitive abilities, taking them might be a good way to decide your career path.

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