We’ve already shown you how to use the BitDefender Rescue CD to clean your infected PC, but what if you wanted to achieve the same thing only without a CD over the network? In this guide, we’ll show you how.

Image by baronsquirrel


It is assumed that you have already setup the FOG server as explained in our “What Is Network Booting (PXE) and How Can You Use It?” guide. You will see the “VIM” program used as the editor, this is mainly because it is widely available on Linux platforms. You may use any other editor that you’d like.


In the The 10 Cleverest Ways to Use Linux to Fix Your Windows PC, one of the things we’ve shown, was that it is possible to install an antivirus and scan your computer from an Ubuntu LiveCD. With that said, what if you wanted to make absolutely sure that your computer is not infected by scanning it with another antivirus?

To that end, you could use another antivirus rescue CD, and there are some out there that we have reviewed in the past like Kaspersky and Avira. The clever thing is, what if you wanted to add this additional tool to your PXE server, so you’d never again have to look for the CD of the utility?

We’ve done the legwork and found that, even though it requires some TLA post boot, the BitDefender Rescue CD is by far the easiest to get PXEable from the above options.

In the “How to Setup Network Bootable Utility Discs Using PXE” guide, we’ve promised that we will give another example for the “Kernel + Initrd + NFS method” and we shall deliver. The principle here is just the same as for the How To Network Boot (PXE) The Ubuntu LiveCD.

We will take the files off of the CD, make them available through an NFS share, and point the PXE client to this NFS share as its “root filesystem”.

Server side setup

What you would do is repeat the steps taken in the How To Network Boot (PXE) The Ubuntu LiveCD guide, which were:

Download the latest ISO from bitdefender’s site and put it in the “/tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/”. Create the mount point: sudo mkdir -p /tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/bitdefender Edit the “fstab” file to have the ISO auto-mounted at boot: sudo vim /etc/fstab Append to “fstab” the ISO mount entry: /tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/bitdefender-rescue-cd. iso /tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/bitdefender udf,iso9660 user,loop 0 0 Note: Despite representation, this is one unbroken line. Test that the mount point works by issuing: sudo mount -a If all went well, you should be able to list the contents of the ISO by issuing: ls -lash /tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/bitdefender/ Create an NFS share by editing the “exports” file: sudo vim /etc/exports Append to it the pointer to our ISO mount point: /tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/bitdefender *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure) Restart the NFS service for the settings to take affect: sudo /etc/init. d/nfs-kernel-server restart Create the PXE menu entry by editing the “Utils” menu: sudo vim /tftpboot/howtogeek/menus/utils. cfg Append to it the following: label BitDefender Rescue Live kernel howtogeek/utils/bitdefender/casper/vmlinuz append file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu. seed boot=casper initrd=howtogeek/utils/bitdefender/casper/initrd. gz splash vga=791 lang=us root=/dev/nfs netboot=nfs nfsroot=:/tftpboot/howtogeek/utils/bitdefender

That is it on the server’s side, your client should be ready to boot into the rescue CD via PXE.

Client side usage

As we said in the overview, this antivirus requires some intervention, when you actually boot into it using PXE vs the client booted from CD mode.

The problem is in the way the network is setup/detected when the Linux’s rescue CD is booted, but the fix is rather simple.

When you boot into the rescue environment, you will be greeted by an update error like:

Click OK and close this message.

Next, click on the “Dog” icon to bring up programs menu. Once in the terminal bring up the Midnight commander with root privileges, by issuing:

Once in the midnight commander, go into “/etc/network” and edit (use F4) the “interfaces” file.

Find the line which reads “iface eth0 inet manual”, and replace manual with “dhcp”.

So that your end configuration should look something like:

Quit “edit mode” while saving your changes by hitting “F10” and selecting “Yes” when prompted.

Restart the clients networking, by issuing:

If all went well you should see that you obtained an IP address and now you can use the update function of the BitDefender application.

From here on out, the instructions are the same as with the How to Use the BitDefender Rescue CD to Clean Your Infected PC guide.

Its easy once you get the hang of it… and as always, Enjoy your virus-free PC

The main image is by baronsquirrel, the rest were captured by Aviad Raviv.

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