Yes, you can make a group chat with iPhone and Android. However, the app that you need to use is not currently available on the App Store or Google Play Store.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to text in a group chat on your iPhone or Android phone. One possibility is that the other people in the chat are using a different type of phone than you are. For example, if they’re using an iPhone, you might not be able to text them because Apple doesn’t support Group Messaging on iPhones. Another possibility is that the app you’re using doesn’t support Group Messaging.

Yes, non-iPhone users can be in group chats on the app. However, they will not be able to see or participate in the conversations unless they are added as a participant.

There are a few reasons why group texts might not work with non-iPhone users. One possibility is that the non-iPhone user doesn’t have an Apple ID, which is required to join a group text. Another possibility is that the non-iPhone user’s phone doesn’t have the necessary software or hardware features to send and receive group texts.

There is no official way to get iMessage on Android, but there are a few unofficial ways. One way is to use a third-party app like MessageMe, which allows you to send and receive iMessages. Another way is to use a messaging app like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, which both have built-in support for iMessage.

If you turn off MMS messaging on your phone, you will not be able to receive or send MMS messages.

There are a few reasons why you may be getting individual responses to a group text. One possibility is that someone may have accidentally hit the “send” button before everyone had finished typing their message. If this has happened, the recipient will only see the last message that was sent out, not the others that were sent in between.Another possibility is that some of the recipients may be using an app that blocks group texts from being sent altogether.

Group chat is a messaging app that allows users to communicate with each other in real-time. Mass text is a messaging app that allows users to send large groups of text messages at once.

There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to use an app like Textra. This app will allow you to text from your Android phone to your iPhone.

Group messages are sent as MMS because they can be sent over a slower network connection, such as a 2G or 3G network, and still be delivered to all recipients.