How To Monetize Your Blog and Get Paid Monthly?

Monetizing a blog, first and foremost, requires having a certain number of viewers in a certain amount of time. For example, if you have a total of 50,000 viewers in a month, you will most likely be able to monetize your Blog. The number of people viewing your blog at a specific time shows the popularity of your blog. Therefore, it is essential to have viewers first to monetize a blog.   

Ways To Attract Viewers To Your Blog 

Promoting your blog through your social media accounts will impact the number of viewers you are going to have.   Write about hot/current topics of your interests; this will help you with the diversity of your readers.   Making your blog more accessible through search engine optimization (SEO) will make it easier for people to discover your blog.   Customize your blog with a unique design that represents you, and do not forget to use visual media attachments.   Have simple and yet attracting titles.   Keep your paragraphs short; readers like having specific content.  Be yourself, be sincere. Writing in a conversational tone will help connect you and your readers.   

6 Ways To Monetize Your Blog  

Having many viewers visiting your blog is a crucial step to start monetizing your account, but it does not end there. There are many bloggers who reach their goal viewer count but do not get paid. Therefore, it is crucial to apply the steps we covered below.   Have sponsors and publish sponsored content. You may not want to have sponsorships thinking that it will damage the image of your blog. Still, on the contrary, sponsorships help build the public image of your blog and increase your blog’s credibility.   Include advertisements. Including ads in your blog will attract advertisers to your blog and help you earn money.  Sell your products online. If you have products customized accordingly to your content, you should try selling them as your loyal readers would love to have your products.  Use affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a commonly used tool by bloggers. Affiliate marketing is receiving a commission from a business for each sale you make for them. Affiliate marketing is frequently used on the internet and will make it easier for you to reach companies.  Bring your blog’s voice to social media! Having YouTube videos or podcasts about your content will help you to generate revenue from other platforms as well.   Open up donations online for your blog. There is nothing more natural than having a dream and asking for support. You can always open up donations online for your business goals.   

Mistakes To Avoid While Monetizing Your Blog 

Monetizing your blog is an exciting journey for people who aspire to become free individuals who earn their living by sharing their interests. However, it is important to be careful in the monetizing process as the mistakes made while monetizing your blog can damage your image.  

Stay true to yourself and protect your sincerity. Readers often become loyal to a blog when they feel the sincerity of the blogger. Protect your true self and preserve the relationship between you and your readers. 

Be mindful of what you are promoting. It is a common mistake that bloggers make while monetizing their blogs. Consider the benefits and harms of promoting a specific product to your readers, and do not promote a product that you think has more disadvantages than benefits to people.  

Be moderate in advertising. Readers often dislike when drowning in ads on the blogs they visit. Do not fill your blog with unnecessary ads.  

Do not make it all about money. Having a higher purpose than just earning money will make your blog more authentic and unique.  


Now we have learnt ‘How To Monetize Your Blog and Get Paid Monthly?’, Making a living through sharing their interests is a dream for many. However, many new bloggers struggle to find ways to monetize their blogs. Reaching to many viewers as much as possible is the most crucial step in monetizing process. Knowing this, it is essential to apply various ways of attracting viewers, such as having attractive titles and writing about trending topics. Reaching a certain viewer count goal is important, but not enough when it comes to monetizing a blog. A blogger should know the tools for monetizing, such as affiliate marketing, to have a desirable income. Monetizing a blog is a huge deal for many bloggers, but it is important to keep the authenticity and not to make every step about money.