Tumblr has been revolutionary in the world of blogging ever since it came into existence. It can provide a user with seven post types. However, this has also resulted in the mass accumulation of a number of posts. It becomes really hard to manage them all side by side. So even though Tumblr has made blogging better, it has also made it a bit messy. So for such scenarios, we have a feature on Tumblr called the Mass post editor.

Now the mass post editor allows a user to modify a bunch of posts altogether, which means the user can delete multiple posts together, change the tag on them, and so on. So in this article, we will see what one can do to use the Mass post editor, aka Mass Editor, to its full potential.

How to find Mass Editor:

If you are new to using Tumblr, then even finding the Mass editor could be difficult. So let’s look at the step by step procedure to access it.

  • Sign in to your Tumblr account.
  • Go to the Tumblr Dashboard.
  • Click on Account Options in the top right corner.
  • Click on Account.
  • From the drop-down menu, click on posts.
  • Here you will see the option that says Mass Post Editor. Click on it.
  • After this, you will be taken to a separate window where you will see all your posts side by side in one place.
  • Now you can simply delete them or change tags on them as per your liking and preference.

Mass Post Editor for the secondary blog:

Just like the previous time, go to the account options and then click on the secondary blog account. After that, the secondary blog account with the mass post editor will show up.

There is a quicker way to jump from the primary blog to a secondary blog right from the Mass post editor screen.

  • Once you are into your mass post editor screen for your primary blog, you will see there is an address bar present for it.
  • Manually change the title of the primary blog in the address bar with the title of the secondary blog.
  • Press Enter, and the page will load again with all the secondary blog posts.

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Mass Post Editor functions and limitations:


Now you know all the ways to get into the Mass post editor. So let’s now take a look at its functions and how they can be helpful to you.

Monthly division of posts:

The posts on the Mass Editor screen appears in an order depending upon the Month in which it was modified. This makes it really easy to access any post of the past if you know in which Month it was last edited. So how do you access the post by using this monthly division? Well, there are two ways to it.

One way:

Simply scroll down through the list of posts. On top, you will see the month name and the posts associated with it. So just scroll down till you reach the Month of your choice and then look for your desired post.

Another way:

There is an option called Month at the top of the Mass post editor. Click on it, and you will see a drop-down list with all the months of the year. Select the Month you are looking for depending upon the post in question. All the posts from that Month will be displayed below. Now just browse through the posts from that Month and just select the post you are looking for.

Thumbnail view:

All the posts in the Mass Post editor appear as thumbnails. This makes it easier to identify posts without really opening them. If you want to make changes, then you can simply open up the post in a different tab. But if you are simply browsing through the posts and looking for a specific post, then the thumbnail view functionality really comes in handy.


Now we know that we can edit and select multiple posts together in the Mass Post editor. However, when we are selecting multiple posts here, we can’t just hold our mouse button and simply drag along the posts we want to select as we do with our windows interface. Here, one needs to individually click and select all the posts he is looking to modify. You also have a maximum limit of selecting only 100 posts every time. Once the selection is made, four options will show up in the top right corner, meaning you are good to go.

Among the four options that pop up, we will have delete, edit tags, add tags, and unselect. Let’s see how they work.

Deleting posts:

This is easily one of the most frequently used functions of Tumblr, deleting multiple posts at a time.

  • Firstly, select all the posts that you want to delete.
  • Click on the delete button that shows up in the top right corner.
  • A dialog box will pop up asking for confirmation.
  • Click Ok, and all your selected posts will be deleted permanently.

Adding tags:

Adding tags is now easier than ever before. Using this procedure, you can add tags to a single or multiple posts at a single time.

  • Select the posts you want to add tags to.
  • Click on Add tags in the top right corner.
  • An empty dialog box will show up.
  • Enter the words in the box you want to add to the posts as tags.
  • Click on Add tags, and then all that you typed in the box will become tags for those posts.

Removing tags:

Removing tags is also as simple as adding tags.

  • Select the posts.
  • Click on edit tags in the top right corner.
  • A box will pop up there containing all the tags associated with the post.
  • Tick all the boxes for the tags you want to remove.
  • Click on Remove Tags, and you are done.

Unselect button:

This does not have much functionality, other than deselecting a post you have already clicked and selected in the first place.

Mass+ New Kit Mini-Extension:

Tumblr comes with lots of perks on its own, but there is an add on an extension out there if you want to enhance your experience even more. The add on we need to look at here is the New XKit with its Mass+ mini extension. It comes with additionally filtering methods for your posts. You can even filter posts by virtue of the tags associated with them.

How to get it?

Add the extension to your Chrome or Firefox web browser.

  • After the extension is added, refresh your Tumblr dashboard.
  • A bunch of pops up will appear asking for permission to add this new add on.
  • Go through all the pop-ups, allowing all of them, and then you will see the new Xkit icon in the top right corner of the Tumblr dashboard.
  • Click on that icon, and the New XKit management panel will appear.
  • Here, click on the tab below that says, “Get Extensions.”
  • Then you will see a bunch of extensions, find the Mass+ extension and click on the install button below it.

New filtering Options:

Just open up the Mass post Editor, and you will see the change for yourself.

There is a new list of options present in the top right corner. The first option is to select the first 100, which obviously will select the first 100 posts from the list. The next option Deselect all will deselect all the previously selected posts. Next, we have select by type, which basically helps to filter the posts depending on type i.e., text, image, video, link, etc.


Selection by Month:

When you select a month for post-filtering on Tumblr, two new options will show up. The first option selects the first 100 will select the first 100 posts for that Month only. The next option says deselect this Month, and it will deselect all the previously selected posts for that Month.

Filter by tags:

Yes, you can filter out posts by means of tags using the new Xkit extension. This makes it really easy to find specific posts.

  • Go to the Tumblr dashboard.
  • Click on the Xkit icon at the top right corner.
  • Click on the tab My Xkit after the Xkit management panel opens up.
  • Then click on Mass+ present on the left-hand side.
  • Tick the box next to Enable Search By Tag.
  • Exit the panel thereafter, and then refresh the Tumblr dashboard page.
  • You will see a new option now, which says a search by tags.
  • Click on it, and a box will appear asking you for the tags you are looking for.
  • Enter the tag and hit search. All the related posts will show up.

So these are the bunch of features and options you get with Tumblr’s Mass post editor. The new Xkit add on enhances the user experience of Mass post editor even more. Hopefully, this article will help you and guide you to make the most of your Tumblr features in the Mass editing section.

We hope that this tip might definitely have helped you out. On that note, don’t forget to check out our other iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks.