There are a few ways to make your ex jealous on WhatsApp. One way is to start chatting with other people on WhatsApp and make sure your ex sees the conversations. You can also post photos and statuses that will make your ex think you’re moving on. If you’re really daring, you can even start dating someone new!

There’s no surefire way to make your ex jealous, but you can try posting pictures or statuses that make it look like you’re having a great time without them. Keep in mind that this might backfire if your ex is the type to get revenge, so use caution.

There’s no surefire way to make your ex feel jealous and want you back, but there are a few things you can do to try to achieve this goal. First, try to spend time with friends and family who will make your ex feel like they’re missing out. Additionally, try to stay in touch with your ex and let them know what you’re up to.

There’s no surefire way to make your ex regret breaking up with you, but there are definitely some things you can do to make the situation worse for them. For example, you could start dating someone new and flaunt your new relationship in front of them. Or you could post sad, angsty statuses on social media about how much you miss them. Whatever you do, make sure to enjoy the fact that your ex is miserable without you!

There’s no one surefire way to make your ex jealous over text, but some methods may work better than others. Try sending them flirtatious or intimate messages, or posting cryptic statuses that could be interpreted as being about them. If you’re really daring, you could even try reaching out to their friends and family members to get information about them.

There are a few things you can do to make your crush jealous on social media. One is to like and comment on other people’s posts more than you usually do. Another is to post photos that are likely to get a lot of likes and comments. For example, you could post a photo of you and your friends having a good time, or a selfie with a hot guy.

There’s no surefire way to attract your ex, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. First, try reaching out to them and express your feelings. Next, try doing something that they really want or need. Finally, try communicating effectively and showing genuine interest in their well-being. If you can make them feel wanted and important, they’ll be more likely to want to be around you again.

There are a few ways to make your ex jealous quotes. One way is to post about how happy you are now that you’re single and enjoying life. Another way is to post about how you’ve been out meeting new people and having fun. You can also post about how your ex was never good enough for you and that you’re glad to be rid of them. Whatever method you choose, make sure your posts are positive and make your ex feel like they’re missing out.

There’s no surefire way to drive your ex crazy, but there are definitely some things you can do to make them miserable. For starters, try cutting off all communication with them. Ignore their texts, calls, and social media posts. If they try to reach out to you, act like you don’t know what they’re talking about. Be as unresponsive as possible. You can also try spreading rumors about them or making fun of them behind their back.

There’s no surefire way to make someone crazy about you, but there are definitely some things you can do to increase your chances. First, try to be as loving and attentive as possible. Make sure you’re always available when your ex needs you, and go out of your way to do things that will make them happy. You should also try to stay positive and upbeat, even when things are tough.

There’s no guarantee that making your ex jealous will work, but it can be worth a try. Sometimes, jealousy can be the thing that pushes someone who has been lost in their own world back into yours. However, you need to be careful not to overdo it. If you’re constantly posting about how great your life is without them or talking about how much fun you’re having, they’ll likely catch on and the ploy will backfire.