Crafting TNT in Minecraft is simple. First, you need to gather four blocks of coal and four blocks of iron. Next, place the coal and iron in the crafting grid in any pattern to create eight sticks. Finally, use the sticks to create a TNT block.

TNT is located in the 2nd row, 3rd column on the crafting table.

In Minecraft, you can make Super TNT by combining gunpowder and tnt. To do this, you need to place the gunpowder in the middle of the tnt block, and then light it on fire.

In Minecraft Xbox, TNT is used as a powerful explosive. It can be activated by using a flint and steel, or by shooting it with a bow and arrow.

There are a few different ways to make TNT in Minecraft. One way is to use gunpowder, coal, and sand. First, you need to make a crafting table. Then, you need to make four of the following:Once you have the four items, you can put them in a square like this:Next, you need to light the bottom of the square on fire with a Flint and Steel or a Fire Charge. This will cause the TNT to explode.

In Minecraft, TNT is made by combining gunpowder with an item of coal. The coal can be either placed in the crafting grid directly, or the player can first smelt the coal in a furnace to create charcoal.

Detonating TNT is a two-step process. First, a blasting cap is inserted into the TNT. The blasting cap contains a small amount of explosive that is detonated, which in turn sets off the TNT.

Yes, you can mine TNT in Minecraft. However, you need to be careful – TNT is a powerful explosive and can cause a lot of damage.

To make a TNT ball, you will need:-TNT-A balloon-A bowl or containerStart by filling the balloon with TNT. You can use a funnel to help make this easier.Next, tie off the end of the balloon.Carefully place the balloon in a bowl or other container. This will help keep the TNT from going everywhere if the balloon pops.

In Minecraft, TNT is created by combining gunpowder and sand. First, make a square or rectangle of sand on the ground. Next, place a block of gunpowder in the center of the sand. Finally, use your hand to right-click on the gunpowder block. This will create a TNT block that you can use to blow up things in your world!