Tweetstorms are the new blog posts. Instead of writing a short blog post on Medium or their own website, many bloggers or brands choose to publish long Twitter threads instead. Twitter now makes it really easy to publish multiple tweets together as a thread, so this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

But when you’re on the other side of the thread, the reading experience for a long Twitter thread isn’t as good. Not to mention, there’s no easy way to share a Twitter thread with a friend who doesn’t use Twitter (something that blogs figured out decades ago).

The Thread Reader App solves both problems. The website, combined with its Twitter bot, helps you unroll long Twitter threads and generates a unique web page for it. You can read the Twitter thread on the web page with ease and share that URL with a friend who doesn’t use Twitter.

Start by finding the last tweet in the thread that you want to unroll and reply to it. Here, tag “@threadreaderapp” and type “unroll.”

After sending the tweet reply, you’ll receive a notification from the Thread Reader App Twitter handle with a link to the unrolled Twitter thread. Open the link to read the thread in blog form.

If you don’t want to clutter the user’s notification, you can also quote retweet the thread. In the comment text box, add “@threadreaderapp unroll.” You’ll get a reply with the link to the unrolled thread.

Both of these methods involve your Twitter profile in some way. If you don’t want to clutter up your follower’s feeds, use the Thread Reader App website instead.

First, copy the link to the Twitter thread. If you’re using a desktop browser, you can do this easily from the URL bar. If you’re using an app, tap on the “Share” button from the tweet and select the “Copy Link To Tweet” option.

Next, open the Thread Reader App website in your browser of choice, paste in the URL in the text box, and click on the “Find Unroll” button.

The website will now show you the unrolled Twitter thread on its own unique page.

If you find that some tweets are missing, or if the thread has been updated, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Force A Refresh” link to make the Thread Reader App reload the thread again.

As we mentioned above, the Thread Reader App provides a minimal and polished interface for reading the long threads. It automatically imports all photos and shows links with rich previews. It also numbers all of the tweets in the thread.

You can hover over a tweet and click it to open the particular tweet on the Twitter website.

Is your Twitter timeline getting too cluttered? Use lists to create different Twitter timelines based on topics and interests and then pin the lists to the Twitter Home screen for a better reading experience.

RELATED: How to Create and Pin Twitter Lists to Your Timeline on iPhone and Android