We know how Discord works. It has niche communities where users can find like-minded people to communicate with. Each community has various text and voice channels where users can hop on to interact with others. When we see text channels, as the name indicates, these have written texts all over, enough to strain your eyes.

It is best not to strain your eyes, as it can lead to headaches. Similarly, it is not worth it to squint your eyes, struggling to read the small text, as it can lead to wrinkles around your eyes. One way to tackle this situation is to enlarge the text size. For Discord, it is pretty easy to enlarge the text size.

This guide will help you to enhance the size of text on Discord for easy readability and viewability. So, keep reading to learn how to increase the size of text on Discord on desktop and mobile.

Changing the Size of Text on Discord

To change the size of the text in Discord for better readability and prevent putting strain on your eyes, try these methods for Discord’s desktop and mobile apps.

Discord on PC

Follow these steps to change the size of text on Discord on the desktop (app and website):

  • Launch Discord on your PC.
  • Click on the settings icon at the bottom left.
  • Click on the “Appearance” option in the left panel.
  • Under the “Chat Font Scaling” option, drag the slider to the right to increase the size of the text.
  • Click on “ESC” on the top right to go back to the main screen and check if it works.

Tweaking the Zoom Level

If you are using the Discord desktop app, you can also follow these steps to alter the zoom level of your Discord, which will also increase the text size automatically:

  • Open Discord on your Pc.
  • Click the settings icon at the bottom left.
  • Click on “Appearance“.
  • Drag the slider under “Zoom Level“. The default size is 100, which you can increase up to 200.

Using Shortcuts

You can also zoom in and out on Discord using these shortcuts:

  • Press “Ctrl” and “+” for Windows to zoom in.
  • For Mac, Press and hold the Command key (“CMD“) and press “+“.
  • To reset your zoom to the default size, press “Ctrl” or “CMD” and “0.”

If you are using the browser version of Discord, then you can also use your browser zoom options to enhance the size of everything on Discord. The default size of your browser is 100%, and you can enhance zoom up to 500 on most browsers.

Discord Mobile App

To change the Discord text size on the mobile app, follow these steps:

  • Launch the Discord app on your mobile device.
  • Tap on the hamburger icon in the top left corner.
  • Press your profile avatar in the bottom right corner.
  • Tap on “Appearance” under “App Settings.”
  • Drag the slider to the right under “Zoom Level” to increase the size of the text on Discord. You can enhance the size by up to 150%.
  • Press “Save” on the top right.

Final Words

In this article, we explained all the possible ways you can tweak the size of your text on Discord. Discord makes changing the zoom level and font size easy through “User Settings.”

The bigger text size allows you to read the text more clearly without giving you a headache.

So, try these methods out and quit straining your eyes.