There are a few things you can do to get your artwork noticed on Instagram. First, make sure that your profile is public and that you have a good description of your work. Next, post regularly and use hashtags to help people find your work. Finally, connect with other artists and followers who might be interested in your work.

There are a lot of great Instagram accounts for artists out there, but one of our favorites is This account features amazing artwork from all over the world, and it’s a great source of inspiration for artists of all levels.

An artist Instagram account is a profile on the social media platform Instagram that is used by artists to share their work with the public. Most artist Instagram accounts are run by individual artists, but some are run by art galleries or other organizations that promote and exhibit art.

There’s no need to create a separate Instagram account for your art. You can simply use your existing account to share your artwork with your followers. Just make sure to use appropriate hashtags so that people can find your posts.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the route to going viral on Instagram depends on the type of artist and the content they post. However, some tips for increasing your chances of going viral on Instagram include using creative and eye-catching visuals, using hashtags to reach a wider audience, and engaging with your followers.

Yes, you should post your artwork on Instagram! It’s a great way to share your work with others and get feedback. Be sure to use hashtags so that people can find your posts.

Yes, Instagram is a great platform for artists to share their work with the world. It’s easy to use and has a large user base. Artists can also build a following on Instagram and connect with other artists.

There are a number of different platforms that you could use to post your art in 2021. Some popular options include Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You could also create a website or blog specifically for your artwork. Whichever platform you choose, make sure to post high-quality images or videos of your work, and be sure to provide context about each piece.

There is no one answer to this question, as the best way to get your art noticed will vary depending on the type of art you create and your target audience. However, some tips to get your art noticed include creating high-quality pieces, exhibiting your work in galleries or other public spaces, and marketing yourself and your work online.

There are a few ways that artists can make money on Instagram. One way is to sell prints or other merchandise of their work. Another way is to be sponsored by a company or brand and post about them on Instagram. Finally, some artists may be able to make money by charging for shout-outs or by doing commissions.