There is no way to get continuous photos on Instagram. The app only allows users to post one photo at a time.

There are a few ways to make a seamless post on Instagram. One way is to use an app like Layout from Instagram that allows you to easily create a collage of photos. Another way is to use a photo editing app to merge two or more photos together. And finally, you can use a third-party app to create a seamless post for you.

To make a continuous slide on Instagram, you need to create a story. Stories are slideshows that play automatically and continuously. Tap the + button in the top left corner of your screen to create a new story. Then, tap the Add Photo or Video button to add a photo or video to your story. To make a continuous slide, hold down the shutter button on your phone to take a series of photos or videos.

In the context of the internet, “post” can mean to publish something on a website or social media. For example, you might post a picture of your dinner on Instagram, or write a blog post about your day.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the context in which it is used. In general, a post can be used as both a verb (e.g., I will post this message on social media) and a noun (e.g., I saw a post about that on social media), while after is typically only used as an adverb (e.g., I will reply to your message after I finish this task).

In the context of the Internet, post means to publish or to make something available to the public.

Yes, post is often used to mean “after” in English. For example, you might say “I’ll call you after work” or “I’ll post a picture of the party later.

A social media post is a message that is shared on one or more social media platforms. Posts can be text, photos, videos, or links.

Pre is used to indicate that something happened before something else. For example, “I prepped the chicken before I cooked it.” This means that you prepared the chicken before you cooked it.Post is used to indicate that something happened after something else. For example, “I posted my dinner on Instagram.” This means that you took a picture of your dinner and then posted it on Instagram.

Post payment is a term used in the credit card industry. It means that the credit card company will bill the customer after the purchase has been made.