Which Devices Can Be Connected With Netflix?

The good thing about Netflix is that it is very versatile. A single Netflix subscription can be connected to almost all electronic devices. These include:


Why Log Out Netflix On TV?

Logging out a Netflix account from TV can be a personal choice. This can be powered by security threats to the account or simply reducing the number of screens. Whatever the source of motivation maybe this or any other its important to learn to log out.

How to Log Out Of Netflix On TV?

There are many types of TV available in the market. This step-by-step guide teaches how to log out of Netflix from different TV Types.

Simple Smart TV

This is the most popular type of TV. Most Netflix subscribers have a smart TV connected to their Netflix account. To log out of a smart TV follow the following steps:

Step 1: Open Netflix On The Smart TV

This step involves opening the app as per usual. Most smart TV remotes have a button for opening Netflix. Press the button the activate the app.

Step 2: Select Settings Option

After opening the app, select the settings option. This can be found on the left side of the screen.

Step 3: Select Sign Out Option In Settings

Once you have opened the settings, navigate toward the sign-out option. Select the option and confirm to sign out of the TV.

Apple Smart TV

Apple devices are usually different in operations as compared to their counterparts in the market. If you happen to be the owner of an Apple TV follow the steps below to learn how to log out of Netflix on an Apple TV.

Step 1: Open The Netflix App

Similar to Smart TV, open the app on the Apple TV

Step 2: Use Remote to Press Menu Button

Once the Netflix App is opened press the menu button on the remote. This enables the Netflix menu to pop up on the screen.

Step 3: Select Settings From the Menu

After opening the menu, select the settings option to log out of the Apple TV. Confirm the app by clicking ‘Yes’ to log out. 

Google TV

Google TV is another popular TV on the market. Most Google TV is powered by the electronic brand Sony. To log out of Google TV follow the following steps:

Step 1: Press Home Button On The Google TV Remote

All Google TV remotes have multipurpose remotes. To open the Netflix app press the home button on the remote.

Step 2: Select Netflix App From All Apps

A Google TV can be connected to multiple apps at a time. To log out of Netflix, select the Netflix app.

Step 3: Navigate Towards Settings

After opening the app, navigate the cursor towards the settings option.

Step 4: Log Out of The Google TV

The settings option shows the log-out option. After entering in settings select the logout option. Press confirm to log out of the device.

Using Computer To Log Out Netflix From A TV.

If you are someone who is away from the Tim you can still log out of the Netflix app. To log out of Netflix from a TV using a computer follow this step-by-step guide to do so.

Step 1: Open The Netflix Website

To log out of Netflix using a computer open the Netflix website. This can be done using any browser.

Step 2: Log in to The Netflix Account

After opening the website log into the Netflix account. This can be done via entering the username, email address, and passwords in the sign-in option.

Step 3: Select Profile Option

On the far right of the Netflix screen is the profile option. Click on it to open it to see all profiles. Select the account option once entered into the profile option.

Step 4: Click Sign Out of All Devices

Click on the sign and select the option of signing out of TVs and devices. Doing so would log out the Netflix account from all connected devices. 


Netflix is one streaming platform that has become increasingly popular in recent years. While the screen sharing option is great it can cause problems. It is important to know how to log out of Netflix on a TV to avoid unforeseeable events. This guide on how to log out of Netflix on TV is the answer to all questions related to Netflix logging out.